Karpov Ivan



Ivan Karpov (b. 1986). Received a school education with a physical and biological emphasis and a higher technical education (St. Petersburg State Technical University named after Prof. MA Bonch-Bruevich; radio engineer).


Engaged in progressive crop production, microgreen production, plant modeling. Having started the study of plant life from a scientific point of view, he gradually came to the creation of installations that no longer fit into the framework of the exposition. Hydroponic plants have become mediums in the artistic environment.

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Primary solo exhibitions


  • "Spring 21", Marina Gisich Gallery, Saint-Petersburg Russia


  • DNA vertical farm, "Alfa Future People" music festival, Nignij Novgorod, Russia


  • "It's time for me to decay, for you to blossom", Voronja Gallery, Varnja, Estonia


  • Museum of Hydroponics, educational exebition, 'Sirius', Sochi, Russia
  • "In agro", "Polygons" space of the educational center "Sirius", Sochi, Russia
  • "Weakening of a sign", Luda Gallery, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
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Public exhibitions


  • "Sprouts", Catherine Collection, St. Petersburg, Russia


  • "To be a plant", Nikolay Evdokimov gallery, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


  • ˈkʌr(ə)nt, CYFEST-14: Dartington, Devon, UK
  • "Fine body", CYFEST-14: Yerevan, HayArt Cultural Center, Armenia
  • "Current", CYFEST-14: Arizona, ASU MIX Center, USA
  • "Ferment", CYFEST-14: New-York, The National Arts Club, USA


  • "Spring 21", Blazar art fair, Museum of Moscow, Moscow, Russia
  • "sin(x)=love", European University, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • "Pavlov's School", Pavlov Institute of Physiology Russian Academy of Science, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


  • "The impossible is inevitable: ideas that change the world", The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, Moscow, Russia


  • "It can be from the tap", Art Ovrag Festival, Vyksa, Russia
  • "It`s time for me to decay and you to blossom", Marina Gisich Gallery, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
  • "Earth Survival Laboratory", Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia
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  • The Bonch-Bruevich St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (radio engineer), Saint Petersburg, Russia
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Objects from the "Spring - 21" project