Every day we look at the world through a thin transparent film; clouds float by, then there is a strong wind and rain, then the scorching sun. All this does not cause us any harm, and it begins to seem that this will always be the case. And suddenly, all of a sudden, the film breaks, and so, everything familiar evaporates and flies away somewhere, leaving only ourselves and the place where our roots have sprouted.

It would seem that the situation is familiar, we just need to find a suitable place and our roots will find everything they need, but this time it's not like always, it's completely different. It was as if that familiar reality turned out to be just a piece of a big cake that had always existed, but for some reason was invisible to anyone. Now it is as much a part of reality as those fragments of the past that our roots clung to until recently.

While the comet is flying, this is a story described from different sides, in which a comet that once appeared in the sky unexpectedly affects space, stratifies it like light passing through a prism, and then connects all the parts in a random order. Perhaps the comet just makes visible what has always existed, but while it is flying, everyone has a chance to find their real home, because no one knows for sure how long the effect of the comet will last and what will happen after.


SCULPTURE. 2013-2020.

The “dark wood” has been used for centuries to represent a place of mystery and danger. In old German fairy tales the forest is where the monsters dwell. In some epic poems, the forest is an unintelligible will that acts in the interest of no party, seemingly contradicting the desires of those who wander in or take it for granted. While yet in other literary works, the forest is a stand-in for the sphinx, offering a hero their chance at glory should they prove worthy. Like in Waiting for Godot, in interacting with virtuality we replay the same simulation, without recollection, harboring inextinguishable hope for salvation. Beckett’s Vladimir and Estragon cannot affect anything, they can’t even die. There is nothing to be done but to observe the transformation and attempt to comprehend it.

PAINTING. 2016-2020.

The “dark wood” has been used for centuries to represent a place of mystery and danger. Crocodile Power often refers to the allegory of the dark forest as cyberspace in their works. The practice of the art-duo is rooted in an examination of the impalpable sense of uncertainty and loss of self, a reckoning with the erosion of purpose that defines the contemporary human condition in the age of virtuality.