Vitaly Pushnitsky's Mechanisms of Time is not merely a metaphor, but a presentation of those spatial models that are born from the artist's attiture to things and to the surroundng world. The line of the artist's life, as well as Art in general, can be called mechanisms of time that carry us into the past or the future, that measure duration, whether it be through a series of artworks or historical periods, that include a biography in collective history. Art is related to the subjective experience of time, creating the effect of its slowed down or speeded up flow. Merleau-Ponty said that time presupposes a realtionship to time. In one of his latest series Time machine, Pushnitsky literally looks at clocks.

Folding, as in origami, pages from Homer's Odyssey, the artist collects fragments of lithographic images of clocks - sundials, mirror, lunar, mechanical ones...Instead of the usual movement along the horizon of the printed line, the attention is focussed on the image of the mechanisms of time. The image of the clocks is superimposed on the landscape of a book. The extent of the text is interrupted by the circle of the clock face - by a point in space which is undergoing fundamental changes. 

Why does the artist choose Homer? 

Is this a coincidence? Yes and no.

-Olesya Turkina